Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Whirlwind of a Break!

Yes, I know. I'm terrible. I haven't posted on here in like a month. Not to make excuses or anything, but that's because I've been caught in a whirlwind called Christmas break. It came and left in the blink of an eye! Here's a brief rundown (Sorry, no photos this time!):

-SUBSTITUTE TEACHING- I got my sub license and expected to get called no more than three times during break. Yeah, didn't happen. I got called to sub every.single.day for all of break. It was so much fun and I was able to reaffirm that teaching is the perfect career for me and it is indeed my calling in life.

-TINA- One of our exchange students that stayed with us 5 years ago was back to visit for 10 days. It was great having her around. I love her laugh and her crazy, bubbly personality. I still swear to this day that she was paired with our family for a reason, that she's actually a part of our family, because we are so much alike. It's insane.

-IOWA- Original plan: Drive to Iowa with a friend, spend evening with host family, sleep, sightseeing the next day, Crooked Creek Christian Camp staff reunion in evening, sleep, more sightseeing/hanging out, take the train home...Yeah, didn't happen.
Here's what actually happened: Drove to Iowa with a friend, spent the evening with my wonderful host family, slept, woke up to a BLIZZARD warning text from the National weather service (who had managed to track my phone and realized that I was in Iowa) that said, "! Severe Alert. Blizzard Warning this area until 12:00 AM CST. Prepare. Avoid Travel. Check media." LOVELY...NOT!!!. I spent the next day with my host family huddled in the house relaxing, trying to keep warm, and baking. Due to the crazy, intense amounts of blowing snow (we could not see outside because it was so snowy), my host sisters had a snow day, so I got to spend more time with them. My gathering was postponed. I slept more. The next day, I got to go to some of the traditional Kalona stops, which I was thankful for. Then I got to go to the camp reunion for 1 hour, before heading off to the train station to head home. It was a crazy 48 hours, but in the end, everything worked out and I had a wonderful time.

-CHRISTMAS GATHERINGS- Between Justin's family and my family, we attended 6 gatherings together. All of them were so great. I really enjoyed spending time with our families...it was such a blessing. I also got many practical gifts, which I was glad for. All of my gifts, I know that I will use (and use A LOT), so that's nice! I'm so thankful that I have such an amazing family. It's been fun living at home these past three weeks with my parents, lovely sister, and two crazy, fun brothers. I'm so thankful that I'm dating a boyfriend with a family that loves me and accepts me like I'm part of their family.


Well, now what, you ask. In 30 hours, I will be boarding a plane to head to Mexico for 19 days. I'm overwhelmed with emotions right now. I'm excited to see what I will learn and discover while being there. I'm sad because I will miss my family and friends. I'm anxious because I know that it is dangerous there right now. I'm nervous because I'm worried I will forget to pack something. I'm pumped to experience a new culture and way of life. Please feel free to send any prayers or good thoughts my way. It would be GREATLY appreciated! :)

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