Thursday, October 25, 2012

Blessings. The third definition of blessings on is "a favor or gift bestowed by God, thereby bringing happiness." I have many, many blessings in my life, things that I don't deserve but that God has decided to share with me. I don't understand what I did to have so many wonderful people brought into my life or what I did to be able to have so many amazing opportunities available to me. Anyway, here are some of the blessings in my life:
My family who supports me in all that I do
My modmates whom I live with and love dearly
The boys that I hang out with that keep me laughing
The Concert Choir that I am privileged to make music with everyday

Other blessings in my life (pictures not included, because I'm still learning how this blog thing works and it is no longer letting me upload photos...): Tabor Mennonite Church where I've gone for my whole life and where I am growing in my faith, Bethel College where I attend school and will soon graduate from (c'mon May!) with a degree in Elementary Education and Special Education, the opportunity to do what I love and work with children and people with disabilities every day, delicious food to eat, a little car that gets me to and fro named Caroline the Corolla, beautiful scenery around me, and many, many more blessings. So many that I could write an entire book! :)

1 comment:

  1. And you're a blessing in lots and lots of other people's lives! Love you!
