Friday, October 26, 2012

(Not So) Fantastic Fridays

For most people, Fridays are a day of relief, relaxation, and a sign that a break is soon coming. I used to be that way and for the most part still am, but I decided today that Fridays must have something against me. The last couple of Fridays have been rough. (Prepare yourself for a bit of a long post...sorry!)

Last week on Friday, I woke up and put on my favorite pair of jeans. They seemed a bit stiffer than usual, probably due to the fact that the last time that I washed them, I air dryed them, as opposed to putting them in the dryer like normal. I wiggled around trying to get them to fit right and all of the sudden I heard a big RIP. Sure enough, they ripped, right along the crotch zipper in the the most unrepairable place possible. Not only were they my favorite jeans, but they were also my pair that was probably in the nicest condition. it when that happens. Then I went about my normal day and was pretty bored at school, so I decided to just go home and hang out with my wonderful mother. It was my sister's birthday, so I baked some cupcakes for her and did some laundry. I was just relaxing and all of the sudden I looked at the clock and saw that it was 3:44. SHOOT. I was supposed to work in the library from 3-5 PM. I called the library, pretty shook up, packed up, left home, and made it there right at 4. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. (thankfully!)

On Fridays, I have to go and observe at the 5th/6th Center in town in the mornings. I walked out to my car, only to discover that my tire was completely flat. Like the rim was setting on the ground flat. Not good. I quickly ran in, called the school and told them I would be late, and then drove one my friend's cars to the school. She was so kind to let me borrow it. When I got back, my dad (who works in the maintanence dept. at my school) helped me take it off and put on the donut tire and then I took it to the shop. I went to class and during class, the shop called and said that my tire was unrepairable. We went in to look at it and there was a 1.5-2 inch cut mark that cut through a bunch of treads. aaaaaaaaaah. So, I get to buy a new tire. Oh wait, just kidding, four new tires ($$$$$$$$) because my dad said that the others are probably wearing out too, so we might as well replace them all, just to be safe. Although, I'm about to go shopping with two of my friends, so this day is about to get better!

Oh mercy, I can't wait to see what next Friday has in store for me. Here's hoping that next Friday is a wonderful day! Although, one of my modmates just pointed out to me that next Friday is Dia de Los Muertos/Day of the Dead...   

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