Sunday, November 11, 2012

Years and Years and Years of Wisdom and Love

Today I attended a birthday celebration for my boyfriend's great-grandmother. She turned 95 today! While I don't know this woman that well and have only met her a couple of different times, I admire her. She is a wonderful example of a true Christian woman who loves God with all of her heart. She is genuinely interested in the lives of those around her. She has raised an incredible family. She has lived through so much and has so many stories to share. The thing that amazes me is that she still lives on her own. WOW!
I can't imagine what it would be like to be 95 and have lived through so much. It's such a remarkable milestone and people that old should be highly respected. I wonder what stories I will have to tell my grandchildren and great-grandchildren when I'm 95...?

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